
Équipement INTARCON donné à l’hôpital national pour enfants de San José (Costa Rica)

The National Children’s Hospital (HNN) in San José, Costa Rica, has been equipped with INTARCON propane refrigeration units for a few days now. This equipment has been donated jointly by GIZ Costa Rica, and the cold room built by Dicoma Corporación, INTARCON’s commercial agent in Costa Rica. The donation is the result of a long-term cooperation project between Germany and Costa Rica to introduce sustainable refrigeration in Central America.

Thanks to this new cold room installed in the Clinical Laboratory of the HNN, it will be possible to store reagents and large quantities of materials at a temperature of between 2 and 8ºC. Given the importance of refrigeration of medicines, it will safeguard the preservation of medicines, which is of utmost importance to provide a quality service to patients with multiple pathologies. This new cold room will in turn help to cope with COVID-19.

Propane refrigeration units are highly energy efficient due to their thermodynamic properties and high efficiency. Secondly, its slim design allows maximum use to be made of the storage space in the cold store. Its lightweight structure minimises thermal bridges and cold losses. Finally, propane refrigeration units meet all safety requirements and have a very low refrigerant charge. In addition, they have explosion-proof components and pressure and temperature limiting devices.

The donation of the refrigeration units was attended by the German Ambassador to Costa Rica, Martina Nibbgling-Wriessnig, who highlighted the great help that Germany has provided to Costa Rica throughout the pandemic; the Costa Rican Vice-Minister of Energy, Rolando Castro; Olga Arguedas, general director of the paediatric centre and part of the Hospital’s management team.

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